International Judicial

Advice and Training



Throughout my career, I have sought to promote the interests of justice in other countries, as well as in England and Wales.

In recent years, I have

  • Presented a paper on eSignatures and the Judiciary to a Council of Europe Roundtable in Malta (September 2024)
  • Provided support to the Judiciary of Tanzania.  This work has included

-  designing and delivering “training the trainer” courses for judges and magistrates on training skills, judicial competencies and ethics;

-  devising a programme and course materials (lectures, small group case studies, model answers) for a series of courses on Criminal Sentencing delivered to judicial officers, prosecutors and defence lawyers;

- planning, facilitating and participating in three annual High Level Judicial Symposia;

- assisting with the design and implementation of a mentoring programme for judges and magistrates; and

- advising on Asset Recovery Court Procedure (2019 to 2024). 

  • Been the lead international expert for a Council of Europe and Cyprus School of Judging programme which delivered training to Cypriot judges, registrars and lawyers on their new Civil Procedure Rules.  I devised, prepared and delivered a series of face to face and remote courses running from July 2021 to November 2023.
  • Presented lectures and led seminars in Judgecraft and Ethics for Bulgarian judges and prosecutors (ERA - the Academy of European Law, 2019);
  • Been a judge of the EJTN sponsored THEMIS competition for European judges and magistrates in Paris (2018);
  • Led an all-day training session for 35 senior Thai judges on the subject of corruption (Strathclyde University, 2018);
  • Delivered a lecture on Restorative Justice (in French) at the Université Catholique de Lyon (2017); and
  • At the request of the Chief Justice of Rwanda, conducted seminars in Kigali and drafted guidelines for the assessment of damages in Rwanda (2014)
Please email me for a copy of  my International Training and Judicial Advice CV, by clicking this link.
 I have visited courts and spoken to judges in many countries including Ghana, Sri Lanka, Singapore, New Zealand, South Africa, Bhutan, France, USA and Canada. 

Follow the links below for short descriptions of some of those other courts.

A morning in a Sri Lankan Magistrates Court
A busy list in Galle. (2003)

Justice in the Land of the Thunder Dragon
The courts in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan (2003)

A Morning in a Ghanaian District Court
The Cape Coast District Court on a hot day (2004)

A compelling judgment
Reflections on the South African Constitutional Court (2005)

 A Gambian Drug Court 
The Banjul Magistrates Court, with cannabis blowing around the court room (2009)

Tough Justice in Singapore
Two day trial of man charged with littering by throwing two cigarette butts in the street (2010)

The Trial of a Canadian Cannabis Gardener
A self-representing defendant in the Supreme Court of British Colombia in Vancouver (2012)