civil procedure
(The materials linked to this page reflect two areas of my work
(i) when I chaired the Experts Committee of the Civil Justice Council. expert evidence and experts and privilege provide links to articles dealing generally with expert evidence and Civil Procedure Rules Part 35 and privilege in so far as it relates to expert witnesses. Both articles are edited versions of lectures which I gave at seminars organised by the Expert Witness Institute. doctor experts links to a powerpoint presentation which accompanied a lecture which I gave to expert witnesses at a conference organised by the BMA. experts protocol is a link to the Protocol for the Instruction of Experts to give evidence in civil claims drafted by Mr Justice Bean and myself. experts reform is a link to a paper written following a consultation exercise by the Experts' Committee of the Civil Justice Council on the reform of CPR 35.
ii) general county court work.small claims is a link to an article analysing the county court small claims jurisdiction and, based partly on statistics which I kept, considers its effectiveness. litigants in person is a link to an article expressing my thoughts about the skills needed when judges hear cases involving litigants in person. Both are edited versions of papers which I delivered at a colloque organised by the Franco-British-Irish Judicial Committee. small claims guardian is an article about the small claims procedure written for litigants in person, published in The Guardian newpspaper.